Non Asbestos Gaskets Sheets
The major disparity among asbestos plus non/asbestos gaskets is that while asbestos gaskets contain asbestos, utilized for reinforcing fiber, non-asbestos gaskets do not contain asbestos, thus they produce flexible gasket. Asbestos by its reinforcing property is durable and is highly resistant to chemicals plus heat. Even though those properties result in asbestos being outstanding gasket fiber, they are not safe for humans. As a result, many gasket manufacturers nowadays utilize non-asbestos to produce gaskets sheets that are almost the same quality or even improved than asbestos gaskets. A very popular type of fiber that is very usually second-hand is aramid fiber [Kevlar], which is like two to nine times stronger than asbestos.
Some types of non-asbestos include:
· Style twenty-five hundred (green)
This kind of NON-asbestos gasket is a Garlock-produced utility-grade item, useful for use within several industries, such as petrochemical, processing, oil & gas, etc. It is produced or starting a non-asbestos sheet gasketing with a combination of aramid fibers and nitrile binder. It is suitable for various substances including water, aliphatic hydrocarbons, saturated steam, oils plus gasoline.
· BG/Blue-Gard
This is a group of bounded non-asbestos gasket resources produced by Garlock and is manufactured with a blend of rubber binders created for certain applications and industries. The excellent combination of aramid fibers, fillers plus elastomeric folder enables the gasket sheet to be able to withstand different degrees of forces.
· Flexible graphite
Flexible graphite is a durable sheet gasketing type of compressed raw graphite produced from exfoliated mineral flake (crystalline) graphite. Owing to its durable texture, it is called flexible graphite to differentiate it from other types of graphite materials such as flake graphite, amorphous graphite, artificial graphite (hard graphite), graphite electrodes, graphite/carbon fiber, etc.
Owing to the durable properties of gasket sheet type non-asbestos, they are utilized in several industries, ranging from automobile to heavy machinery.
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